But let's start with the outfits, just to get it over with:
Week 1: March 17th to 23rd - Easter
Week 2: March 24th to 30th - Woozen new designs and throwbacks
Week 3: March 31st to April 6th - More new design winners and throwbacks
Omigosh, so much outfits, did you notice that they now add more old outfits? Not to mention and discounts! If we compare an old outffit deal with a new one, if you're V.I.P, the outfit deal would sure change! Here is an example:
2015 |
2016 |
If you enlarge (click) the image, you will see that the price of 2016 is about half the price of 2015!
Anyway, I said that I was gonna make announcements, so here they are: first of all, the reason why I take pictures of the outfits is for the future, you know, to compare outfits with new ones, like I just did. Those are actually my own photos and records I kept since W.N.S. 2015, which was about 8 months already! SO just to clear it up, it's still a blog, not just some place where I add all the new outfits every 3 weeks..
And second thing, as you can see, I opened the blogger submissions once again! It's a big step, because for the last months I just blogged myself, and this time, I don't just accept my friends, or just anyone. You now have to become a trial blogger before a real one AND you must be active. All the details are in the "Become a blogger!" section.
This week has been busy, and this is the reason I want to give other Woozens a chance to express themselves on this blog. I know almost noone reads it, but that's because it isn't as active as it used to be. And you can change that :)
Thanks for reading this super long blog post, I'll try to make shorter ones next time :))