Do you want to be part of this blog? You've come to the right place! You will have to become a trial blogger before being qualified to be an regular blogger. To apply click here (the form is currently available, but your post subject may not be qualified soon). Please read the blog conditions before applying. Some of the rules only concern the trial bloggers. Once you submitted a from, you will become a pre-trial blogger, please sent me an email to inform me that you have filled a form. I will read your submission shortly and confirm to you by email if there is a space for you available on the blog :)
1- Be online often; both on Woozworld and on Blogger. This is the reason I closed this feature in the first place, becasue NOONE was active.
2- DO NOT give personal information on this blog.
3- You must follow the exact instructions given in the application form.
4- If ever I email you rules for the blog, please follow them. This to keep the blog organised and flawless. ;)
5- If ever you have questions about the blog and the instructions, please email me. My email address is on the left side of the screen. (only if you are accepted as a trial blogger)
6- You must post 5 times before becoming a regular blogger. A successful post means a text that follows all the rules. Please inform me if it's your 5th time. :)
7- Don't forget that your objective of blogging here is to have fun :)
Any questions? Not sure of the blog conditions? Please email me or comment below, and thanks again for reading my blog!
Since April 3rd 2015, I decided to let to other Woozens blog on my website once again :)
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