Hello Everyone its me Strawberry! You may of realized the title is a little off topic from what i'm supposed to talk about......I'm just saying some random things to let our viewers know! First off i'd like to say thank you soo soooooooo much for almost 1,000 viewers i can first remember when the blog only had 90 viewers (even though i wasnt blogging then) Its gonna be a huge milestone when we do though! ;D Also today september 20, 2015 I have been on woozworld for two months YAYYYY! I'm so happy! the friends and people i have met and get to known on wzw are so AMAZEING! omg i cant even! Last thing i'd like to drop in and say is we have changed our name! the blog is now called ''our woozworld'' so awesome right? I love how megan was being considerate and changing the blogs name so its not only her ;D but it was fine either way ;0
Ok i was just blogging to say those things and one last thing we have a new blogger Cookie! yay welcome to the blogging team we are super excited to have you ;3
Well tommorow i will resume to my regular blogging things like unitz design and video challenge ;)
Leave a comment below to say what you want the new wzw update to have like maybe Group pc or the old wzw back?
Peace out O.W.Z.W veiwers Baiiiiiiii ;D
thnx so much emuu! cx