Its Daisy13! And I have an exclusive interview with her! :))
Me: Congratz on winning! Xx
Daisy: Thanks xx
Me: I'm a blogger on Megan Carrie's blog. May I interview you?
Daisy: Ofcourse
Me: First question, did you think you were going to win?
Daisy: Nope, there were alot of other beautiful models.
Me: When you won, how did you feel?
Daisy: Like I was gonna faint,
Me: A few more questions.
Daisy: KK :3
Me: Would you ever join SOTW again?
Daisy: Yes, I would
Me: You rocked it out there
Daisy: Thanks
Me: How did you get your outfit - Any inspirations?
Daisy: Yes, I always loved the color turqoise and then once i put in a turqoise color in my outfit, I loved it.
Me: Oo, last question :)) Do you have any advice to tell any other fellow woozens who want to join SOTW?
Daisy:You all are beautiful and don't be afraid to work those legs and the runway
Me: Well I'm done now, bye Daisy13!
Well that was the interview, XD heres a pic we left for this wonderful blog. - Cya Dainty.