Monday, August 24, 2015


Happy Monday fellow Woozens!! :3

WNS is ending this week, but we still  have 5 more days of fun! Turns out that I wasn't wrong about the finals, everything was planned the way I explained.

Zendaya Wooz (dance), Parawooz (rock), Demi Woozvato (pop) and 50 beex (hip hop) are all going to the final round, all supported by the Woozens in their team (it doesn't matter if you supported someone else in the semi-finals, now you have to support the superstar in your team). Time to collect stars once more! (The team who collects the most stars will win, and their associated superstar will be Woozworld's Next Star 2015)

Since it's a new week, it's time for new outfits!

If you didn't realize yet, those outfits were all shown before on the charts of the semi-finals (I totally saw that coming cX). Here's an example for the semi-finals dance and pop chart:

Also, this week, it's all about WNS! Until this Thursday, the Woozband is going to visit WNS unitz! Everyday is a different WNS category. Today was pop, tomorrow will be rock, Wednesday will be hip hop and finally, Thursday will be dance! The final WNS show will be on Friday!
Jay supporting hip hop :3

Of course, there will always be SOTW, and an event called "Woozland dash"!

Is Jenny hosting SOTW?!?!?
Now I understand why everyone was so excited for WNS (it's my first year in Woozworld), all the fun activities you can do during that time! I'm SO excited for fall; goodluck to all of you Woozens that are starting school this week (and the ones that already did!) and I hope you had fun this summer! I can't wait to find out WHO WILL WIN WNS 2015!!

I'll see you online :)
Megi xx

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